Saturday, January 2

Will It Be A Better Year?

Oh Hello 2010.
2009 passed so quickly.
Looking back, it wasnt that bad afterall. My friendships were better! ;D
& the holidays were great.


Went for Nightwatch service on the 31st Dec. Wasnt that packed as I expected.
Seng Hoo didnt turn up :( bad him! Hmph!
After service followed Marcus's car to Salam Corner! :D
Shared a maggie goreng with Jo, had chickens and abit of Crystal's thosai. Lol. I still remembered what Crystal said "You're eating my breast!"

Go figure out that laa :P

About 2am Marcus fetched me home again. Feel bad actually, always ask him fetch me home =/ but anyway, thanks lots! :) Gonna miss him anyway, he's gone to KL for his studies ady.
Gonna miss Shana as well :( Felt guilty and regretted for not going to her farewell on the 1st of January. Gaaah nevermind I will still get to see her during CNY, hopefully.

Conclusion : I spent my first two hours at Salam Corner on the 1st of January 2010 :) Sucha great start?


Last night more like morning. Had a kss session ;P from 3am till 6am . It didnt turn up to a kss session, more on nonsense. hahha! Not telling you who but it's 3 of us laa. bleh
Someone stayed up till 6am to wait for someone. So suhhweeet :P
But unlucky that someone, got caught by someone and got reported to that someone's mummy. and now that someone wont be able to join me and another someone already :( also cant online. Sad laa for that someone.

But no more early mornings already, school's starting :(

msn games every morning
lifeless leh :P

0 OINK!: