Monday, January 4

School! :(

School's starting in a few hours time and I'm blogging here in danger. Mum can check on me anytime, then I'm doomed. =/

I still feel that holidays aren't over yet, it's like so short.
I miss everyone to be honest. Those in church especially.
Some of them are gonna leave Ipoh once again and back to their colleges and universities. Gaaah :(
I think we got bond-ed . There's like this special connection within us. Very very close friends. All those kss sessions. haha! I dont think they will be any kss sessions since school started ady. Maybe till the holidays are here again and during youth .

QiVin's leaving on the 9th! NOHHH! I bet someone gonna miss him alot :P

School sucks, totally not looking forward to it.

regretted once again

0 OINK!: