Saturday, December 12

i wish there was someone

Whoooots, camp's in two days!
Well, I dont feel it though =/ why am I not excited bout it? Geee nvm
Supposingly to go for snack shopping on Sunday but I bought some ady so yeah who cares.


It's 3.18am , still wide awake >;D
Went outside my house just now, there's was stars! hehe
Outside is so much cooler than my room, damn hot inside here. Even I was wearing a hoodie when I was outside. but stupid mosquitos they just like me so much that I got bitten 3 times. *ithcyy*
Didnt know time pass so fast by staring at the sky and stars and emo-ing abit :P
Listened to music as well.

Hmm if only there was somebody that could accompany me.
Then I would really wanna go outside my area and walk around. :)
I'm just too scared to go out and walk alone at this time of the night, something might happened to me :O choi

was thinking should I call you to come over
but i guessed u were asleep

0 OINK!: