Monday, February 15

life's so complicated at times.

i'm frustrated.
I dont what are my feelings. it went away for quite some time and it's back now. and there's so many things or events that happen to be in that place. but it doesnt involve me or i could just say i wanst being enough attentive? That's impossible, because I'm very observant as far as I know myself.
But then, as said maybe God wants us to wait? maybe he had already planned it for us?
I'll just give it all to God :)
God has every reason for these things to happen , I believe.


Oh well, it's Chinese New Year & Valentines. Such coincidence huh?
Aah everything's red!
anyway boday wants to be my valentine? tho already passed I dont mind! ;P

An hour before new year was great :P I wasnt at home.
BWAHAHAHAA go figure.
playing fireworks was a failure. something caught on fire! *ssshhh*

Tell you more of my first day of cny in the next post if I ever blogged :P
there'll be pictures too! :)

how i wish those conversations was forever the way it is
but no, it doesnt stay the way it is :(
why, imy

0 OINK!: